Karma Dancing With Shadows

This corner of the world is mine where I come to write, claim my independence, feel, think and write what's on my mind in the hopes that sharing experiences of being the daughter of a Narcissist can help others who are dealing with and overcoming the obstacles to regaining true emotional freedom.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Passion Play

beading on your face, pitchers of sweat mingle with purple heat outrageous energy flows opening up the floor, the main stage, to intensity that pulls her in like a movie in three-dimension. tensions ease in her spine, her shoulders... her voice... the massage sheds inner thoughts sensitivities are tossed aside with victoria secret panties eyes steal her words, half-spoken judgements suspend- you above her on the knee-level bed her waistline yoked, for hips, no hope a mix of movement and depth, the rise, the fall rush to the head wondering how long will you hold her in this wiggle-proof grip pulled in, moving out of the black, travelling to lost planets losing touch with the world, a private bubble under a bracelet of stars burst, wonders fall into context, a secluded haven where desires seek and hearts speak one on one, that no one hears despite sounds outside of persistent rain afterwards, when clouds finally part under a half-sliced moon, that covers skin, you lay, you chat the sun minutes away its untelling burn kept at bay

1 comment:

DaMusicMan said...

I've seen/acted in that very same play...

Keep dancing shadow, keep dancing

Dancing with Shadows

My photo
a mix of 'tude...fortitude, solitude and attitude. I have an unhealthy addiction to intelligent, free-thinkers, red vine licorice, vitamin water, raw carrots and sitting on my back porch with a good book becoming one with nature