Karma Dancing With Shadows

This corner of the world is mine where I come to write, claim my independence, feel, think and write what's on my mind in the hopes that sharing experiences of being the daughter of a Narcissist can help others who are dealing with and overcoming the obstacles to regaining true emotional freedom.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Standing behind her, sporting sunday-go-worshippin' attire: a white skirt twelve inches from the floor, tight, white slingbacks filled thick with stocking-ed feet, a white embroidered blazer loosely hangs from her large, matronly frame, and close-cropped curly ringlets fried, er, um dyed blonde denies her age. Behind me, he wish to buy a 40 ounce beer instead of the 2 liter sprite, but on Blue-Law Sunday, its a sin as he impatiently waits... while she stalls the line at the gas-station convenience store to buy lottery tickets, an exchange of deliverance for chance. Isn't life, but chance? I think I'll buy one too.

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Dancing with Shadows

My photo
a mix of 'tude...fortitude, solitude and attitude. I have an unhealthy addiction to intelligent, free-thinkers, red vine licorice, vitamin water, raw carrots and sitting on my back porch with a good book becoming one with nature