Karma Dancing With Shadows

This corner of the world is mine where I come to write, claim my independence, feel, think and write what's on my mind in the hopes that sharing experiences of being the daughter of a Narcissist can help others who are dealing with and overcoming the obstacles to regaining true emotional freedom.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Present and accounted for...

Ah..mondaze. anutha chance to begin again. I'd much prefer if the work week started on tuesdays but then I s'pose tuesdays would begin to feel like mondays. At any rate, it is here and so far all is well in my little corner of the universe. Reading an article in the NY Times about Obama and the speaker line-up at the upcoming DNC. Michelle will start it off, and according to the article "will begin the 4-day introduction of her husband, and her family, on her terms...who will expand her profile..and aides to Mr. Obama are using the convention to tackle what members of both parties see as his greatest vulnerability with undecided voters: his 'otherness'". I understand wanting to know a candidate but how much of a person do they need to know besides his character and integrity, trustworthiness, experience, take on the issues and such to make an educated choice? Who cares what type of foods he like or his preference for OJ over coffee. Or that he wants to shield his girls from the media? Haven't the man wrote two books detailing his life? Never mind all the exposes on him in the media. Why is everything in his personal life such a big deal? What more is there left for the public to know? Why aren't the other candidates scrutinized in the same manner? This sorta rankles me because it seems Obama's still getting raked over the coals by opposing factions about his religion, patriotism, upbringing, etc. no matter that the conduct and execution of his campaign has been stellar, setting precedents that will have historians rewriting history after probably before all the dust settles. What I feel is at stake is the belief that because of his 'unusual' background the question arises whether he will be able to lead, unite the country and tackle the issues we face with tact and diplomacy and good judgement according to the standards of the, themselves, elitist politicians. I feel Barack has the conviction to commit to the daunting task notwithstanding how the wants to mislabel this man 'who is hard to know'. I identify easily with Obama for the simple fact he is a very rational and calculating person. He's congenial and compassionate and has a great sense of humor. He speaks haltingly yet with deliberation. This shows a person in control of himself with a mind of his own. Unlike some who are just puppets. In fact, these traits are what make him stand out. He's non-reactionary, cool and calm under pressure. To many, he may seem aloof, dispassionate and uncaring and weak because he hasn't stooped to mudslinging levels of attack which I think is commendable. But these are the same labels applied to loners, introverts and free-thinkers. I've never been one to march to the beat of someone else's tune and thus, we're thought of as different somehow, we think we're better than everyone else. My mom would say this to me, as well as my ex. It would hurt because it's the furthest thing from the truth. My reticence to openness and the tendency to intellectualize things, and not on purpose, gives this impression and this innate personality quirk alienates and distances me from others. As I observe similiar qualities in Obama, it rankles me when the media tries to paint such a complex person with broad brush strokes or somehow attempt to pidgeonhole him as an elitist snob. I've dealt with this sort of conundrum most of my life. I personally see it as insecurities exposed on the part of the 'labeler' and in light of their own perception andjudgements, they would rather accept someone who is more closer to them and accept less those who are to the contrary. This quandry seems to keep me on the outskirts of socialized status quo but you know what? This suits me just fine.

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Dancing with Shadows

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a mix of 'tude...fortitude, solitude and attitude. I have an unhealthy addiction to intelligent, free-thinkers, red vine licorice, vitamin water, raw carrots and sitting on my back porch with a good book becoming one with nature