Karma Dancing With Shadows

This corner of the world is mine where I come to write, claim my independence, feel, think and write what's on my mind in the hopes that sharing experiences of being the daughter of a Narcissist can help others who are dealing with and overcoming the obstacles to regaining true emotional freedom.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Today's August 4th. Happy 47th Birthday Barack!! And it's still the silly season of politics. How can you be elite if u aspire to the best life has to offer? If it's within your means, why the heck not? Note to McClueless: hate is a sickness. Other randomness...have you ever felt a connection without any relation to an event? Ok..I tried to watch Shawshank Redemption last week but I didn't make to the end. As habit, I tend to fall asleep watching a movie at home. No matter how good it is or how anxious I want to see it. Anyway, last night I made it to the end (mostly) after my 2nd attempt. Today, I hear Morgan Freeman was in a near fatal car accident at 71. This made me me think of daddy, who's 72. I hope M.F. pulls through ok. This made me homesick thinking how I'm not getting any younger which means my parents aren't either. What I'd give to feel some coastal breezes, or hear the sway of palm trees...I'd break my 'no beef' rule and scarf down a carne asada burrito or pastrami from Bruno's...but most importantly I'd be with family. I miss home. Other randomness...so me and babygurl are dining at the best all-u-can with the initials of G. C. and the next table over from us sat dude Antwon Fisher, or the actor in the film of the same name with Denzel Washington back in ummm...some long time ago. It wasn't such a deal, heck-I didn't know it was him except people kept coming over to him for a photo-op with their camera phones. I might be wrong, but why is a d-list actor who hasn't seen work since, creating such a commmotion? And why is he at all an all-u-can restaurant? Maybe it's just me. Ok...back to 'rain on my parade' eric roberson on repeat. 3 days now...no particular reason...he's just so damn poetic. He invokes so many mental scenarios with his lyrics. Then I talk to someone and they're listening to e.r. too. See what I mean?

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Dancing with Shadows

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a mix of 'tude...fortitude, solitude and attitude. I have an unhealthy addiction to intelligent, free-thinkers, red vine licorice, vitamin water, raw carrots and sitting on my back porch with a good book becoming one with nature